Download Adobe Lightroom Premium Apk for Free | TechNic

We just talked about the main feature like that, and the newly updated features will make your stay with Lightroom much longer. First, it will be the Shared Albums Tab function so users can easily view photos more than any time. The current trend is that everything is interconnected into a tight network, which we often call social networks. So this function also seems to make a system where users can easily access and view all other people’s works posted on “” through this function. Besides, you must learn how to create an ad-hoc that can be easily shared with the Lightroom community on the web. Choose your best works and create a collection, then click on the three-dot icon and select “Share to Web” to be able to publish your work.



– Interactive Tutorials
– Texture (Smoothing and highlighting medium sized details such as skin, bark, hair)
– [Premium] Group Albums
– [Premium] Batch Editing
– ACR Integration: Supporting the latest cameras and lenses


Image import problems have been corrected

You do not need to login to use, please press “X” in the upper left corner of the screen

To know your device uses ARM or X86 CPU, please check with CPU-Z. Usually, the mobile CPU is ARM, some Intel CPUs will have X86

The Adobe ID function works well on version 5.1

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